Archaeological Excavations in the Ulytau Region
29 Aug 2024
Under the leadership of the Head of the Early Iron Age Archaeology Department at the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, Candidate of Historical Sciences Z. Utubaev, the Ulytau team conducted work during the 2024 field season on the Baykonyr 1, Lakpay 2, and Kyzyladyr 1 sites, located in the Ulytau region. The research team included the Institute’s scientific staff members B. Alibai and Zh. Satulganov.
The archaeological excavations and research were funded by the Ulytau Regional Department of Culture, Language Development, and Archives' public institution, the "Center for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage."
As a result of these research activities, a number of artifacts were discovered that provide insights into the worldview of ancient and medieval nomads. Additionally, during reconnaissance work, new sites were identified, including kurgans with "mustaches" and several burial monuments from the Early and Medieval Nomadic periods.